Biblical Insight Into The Christian life

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On Being A Burned Out Pastor

Vocational ministry has its ups and downs, but there are far more ups than there are downs in serving our God in this capacity. The difference is that the downs hit hard, especially because of the intensity and weighty responsibility of doing ministry. (Hebrews 13:17) Most understand that the constant care of God’s people is a 24-hour 7 day a week care, one that can sometimes lead to exhaustion. (1 Peter 5:1-5) There is the grind of constant study and preparation, the hands-on care of God’s people, and whatever other assorted responsibilities that are necessary to do ministry.

The blessing of serving others however is beyond description. Even as pressing as ministry is on the heart and minds of God’s servants, the Lord shares with us the reward of seeing the growth of His people. I live to see others grow and change, (2 Peter 3:18) and so do you. It is exciting to be a part of the lives of believers who are hungry for the Word and hungry to become like Christ. (Romans 8:28, 29) Even when God’s people are hard to reach or go astray, reaching out to them is something you do because you love God’s people. Recognize that you are being used as a tool in the spiritual growth of others. You are also being used to reach the lost for Christ who have no hope in this present world. Ministry is everywhere and you are reaching out in every direction to impact others. All of this has an impact on you, so, who is reaching out to you?

There are countless vocational workers in Christian ministry that are suffering in ministry and with their families. They have given and given without a breather, no time to think about their tank being empty because of the constant call to ministry. Before you know it the constant care of ministry has taken its toll. Without notice the mind becomes clouded and it is hard to concentrate, sometimes tension arises with their spouse. There is a feeling of exhaustion that is far beyond the physical, it is mental and it is spiritual.

Consider this, Jesus took His disciples aside for a time of refreshment and recharge after embarking in ministry. (Mark 6) Ministry is grinding at times, you may or may not feel like it at times but it is very important to hit the pause button and consider where you are at. Don’t think that you can do ministry by yourself without the help of others, or without some kind of opportunity for respite. You and I need people in our lives. I have three people I look to as mentors, counselors and friends. One is an older fellow elder, one is my age and engaged in ministry vocationally, and the other is an elder who is thirty years younger than I am. I need these people in my life, they have different outlooks. We need each other and we need to sometimes slow down and rest.

New church plants, young pastors, people serving in some ministry capacity and missionaries are struggling. I have been there on many occasions and if it were not for faithful people and counselors to help, we would have been crushed by ministry pressures. The Christian worker sometimes feels that there is no one to reach out to, no one who understands. Their families are hurting as are their ministries.

God’s servants are sometimes overwhelmed with ministry specific problems that only someone who has experienced ministry can understand. Coworkers, pastor friends, and mission boards are often made aware of these struggles and wish they had an outreach source for ministry specific difficulties. Even if you just need a shot in the arm as they say, and are not specifically overwhelmed in ministry, give me a call and we can have a time of fellowship and encouragement.

I have a burning desire to reach out to these faithful and hurting servants, some of whom, if not helped, will tragically leave the ministry. We must have an outreach to these servants who are growing weary. Pray with me as we seek opportunities to reach out to God’s people in vocational ministry.

Email me at and I would be more than happy to serve you. You can grow as you walk through difficult times. Let’s grow together and share in a relationship with the Lord that will help both of us to become more like Him.

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