Biblical Insight Into The Christian life

Bible - Gospel - Gods Glory - Counseling - Discipleship - Family - Church

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation.
The old has passed away;
behold, the new has come.

This web page is informal and hopefully practical and useful. The verse above is my life’s verse. Every Christian finds their identity in the Gospel. This verse best describes my identity in Christ through His Gospel, simply and plainly.

This web page exists as a place to simply satisfy an insatiable  desire to impart what God has done in my life over the last forty plus years I have known Him. To share truths that others have shared with me and I have consumed and developed. To communicate how God and His Gospel, His Word, and His Glory, has transformed me, and continues to transform me into a new creation for His glory.

If you would like to have me for a speaking engagement please contact me at

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 Brad Hilgeman


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