Biblical Insight Into The Christian life

Bible - Gospel - Gods Glory - Counseling - Discipleship - Family - Church


Theology is the science of the study of God and the knowledge of God. Theology is not limited to just what we know about God, it is what the Bible teaches on any given topic. Our theology shapes our world view, informs our way of life, it deals with eternal things such as the soul, it informs us about life derived from the knowledge of God and His eternal attributes.

Theology informs my view of life. What’s God’s opinion and what’s God’s view about my belief system, about life?  To give my views substance I must view life from a God-ward direction.  My opinion and belief about God influences every area of my life, especially my epistemology.  If I am not careful to see life through the lens of the theology of Scripture I can be influenced by man’s opinions, or by my own interpretation of life.  So my epistemology must be firmly rooted in the Word of God. I must and do firmly believe in its preservation, infallibility, sufficiency, and authority in knowing, understanding, loving, and bringing glory to my God. If my source of truth is God’s Word I am rightly informed about God and life. There is safety in theology, there is confidence and wisdom in the knowledge of God Ephesians 1:17-21, Philippians 3:8-10

I am growing in my understanding of theology just as anyone should, in depth and in understanding.  No statement of faith is complete unless the author is willing to grow in his understanding of Truth, so I commit myself to a lifelong study of understanding and applying what I know about Truth.

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